10 Tips on Choosing the Best Photo for Your Custom Necklace

A personalized photo necklace is by far the most sentimental gift you could receive. Having a picture of someone special around your neck and near your heart, at all times is a beautiful thing.
Picture lockets go down in history as something that holds the most sentimental value. Back in 1914, during World War 1, women would give their husbands a locket with a picture of themselves. This was given in silver and gold, as well as less precious metals such as wood, ivory and pearl. The purpose of these gifts was not monetary value but sentimental value.
So it's safe to say that these necklaces hold a lot of value. In this blog we will discuss the top 10 things you should consider to get the best photo for your custom necklace. So without further ado, let’s dive right in.
Read More: Engraved Photo Necklaces: The Perfect Way to Preserve Precious Memories
1. Choose a High-Quality Photo
The first step (and definitely the most important one) is to pick a high-resolution photo. This picture is going to be in your locket and you don’t want to see pixels every time you open it. The minimum quality you can go for is 400px x 400px but the best result you get is from 1000px x 1000px. The better the quality of the picture, the better it will look once it's printed on your necklace.
2. Opt for a Close-Up Shot
You want a picture that is a close-up shot of the subject. Since the photo is going to be printed on a tiny locket, you want the person, or people to be center frame and easily visible. We suggest using portrait style pictures as that will bring your subject front and center, while looking good on the necklace.

3. Pick a Photo with Good Lighting
Good lighting goes a long way when it comes to choosing the best photo for your custom necklace. Balanced lighting in a picture will make sure the picture is clear while also adding clear detail to the subject. Our best advice is to use pictures with natural lighting, which is soft and avoids any harsh shadows.
4. Focus on a Special Memory
The picture in your locket is special. So when you are choosing the best photo for your custom necklace, choose one that has a special memory. Whether you go for a wedding picture or your first date, you need to make sure that every time you look at the picture, it brings a smile to your face.

5. Consider the Necklace’s Shape
Personalized photo necklaces come in all shapes and sizes. Before you pick the best photo for your custom necklace, it is important to consider the shape of your necklace.
Some examples of personalized photo necklaces include heart photo necklace, cosmos book photo necklace and the four gold ball locket necklace. The shape will dictate the picture type you need to choose.
Read More: Elevate Your Look: Trends in Photo Necklace Designs for 2024
6. Avoid Cluttered Backgrounds
Cluttered backgrounds can sometimes be a negative factor. When these pictures are reduced to a small size, the clutter can cause a lot of noise on the picture. You need to get a picture that has your subject in the center frame. This picture means the world to you, so why not have it as perfect as it can possibly be.

7. Choose a Solo or Group Portrait
The next step in choosing the best photo for your custom necklace is to choose between a solo portrait or a group picture. Most pictures found in photo necklaces are a solo portrait, but if you have a high quality group photo with the people you love, then why not.
8. Test the Black-and-White Look
Your choice of picture highly depends on the design and color scheme of your necklace. You can get necklaces that offer black-and-white engravings. In this case, we suggest choosing a black and white picture. These pictures offer a great contrast and make your necklace pop.
Before you do choose a picture, we advise you to check what the black and white picture will look like. There are several tools online that will give you a good idea.

9. Consult the Recipient’s Taste
Getting this custom necklace as a gift? It is important to consult with the recipient on their taste. If it is meant to be a gift, you can get subtle ways of understanding their taste. It is important to understand the recipient's taste as this is a piece that will stay with them forever.
10. Double-Check the Dimensions
Dimensions play a crucial role in choosing the best photo for a custom necklace. We all know photo necklaces come in all shapes and sizes, so it is crucial to double check the dimensions of your photo and the necklace. You need to keep in consideration that your picture will be significantly shrunk, so keep your dimensions in check.
Read More: Why Custom Photo Necklaces Make the Perfect Gift for Loved Ones
When looking for the best photo for your custom necklace, the most important thing is what that picture means to you. If you are looking for some gorgeous options when it comes to personalized photo necklaces, Mighty Dainty has got you covered.
We have a large selection of photo necklaces to choose from with various designs and types. Our team of elite craftsmen will not only create the perfect necklace, but also expertly print your picture on the photo necklace. Book your necklace today.